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Camas Valley Kush - Lab Test
About Suver Haze Hemp Flower
- Tasting notes
Less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC
- Federally & Legally Compliant in USA
- 3rd-party lab tested for purity & potency
- Delivery to US only
Shipping with CBDXTRACT
We guarantee shipping in discreet packaging with tracking number. Our shipping labels show the sender as "CBDXTRACT LLC"
Our products our shipped in smell-proof bags. CBDXtract has been whitelisted with USPS, so they are 100% aware of the contents in our shipments.
1 0 0 % S A T I S F A C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D
If you are not satisfied for any reason within 30 days of your order being placed, please return the remaining product in its original jar/container for a 100% refund of the purchase price by contacting us.
Return Policy - You must notify us 3 business days before you want to return the product to allow for proper communication. Returns are allowed to be up to 1 gram light.